Thursday, March 19, 2009


Okay- so I was sick over the weekend and I admit it: I AM A WIMP! I was a total baby. My sinus headaches were bringing tears to my eyes. My back and sides were aching from all of the coughing. I could go from shivering to sweating within seconds it seemed. My stomach was nauseous and queezy. I laid in bed or on the couch the entire time taking boatloads of medicines. I was completely miserable. As I was soaking in the tub for about the 5th time I was thinking to myself "How did I ever make it through childbirth?? And more than once??" I was acting like a big baby.

I have always told my kids that moms just don't get sick days. Well, this mom took about 3 sick days. My sweet Spence was so awesome to come home early from work so I could crawl into my bed. He took care of kids and let me stay in bed for as long as I wanted to. He didn't complain at all. And my kids were so sweet to come in and be concerned for me. They would give me a kiss or rub my back or just simply take my hand and say "I love you mom." Those were the bright moments.

I still have coughing spells and can't breathe half the time and the other half I'm blowing my nose. Where does all that snot come from? For the most part I am feeling better and just pray that I won't get sick again for a long long time. I'd much rather take care of sick kids.

Thanks for letting my whine and complain and be a wuss!


Jen-ben said...

oh my gosh, you are not a wimp! i feel your pain! I think I'm getting that same thing...i'm so MAD!! Just keep laying in bed and taking it easy!

Andee said...

Ugh, I'm so sorry! I am SO wimpy when I get sick. It's just miserable. I'm glad you're on the road to recovery.

Emily said...

You are NOT a wimp. This junk is killing us. It's a good thing that Greg has avoided it (so far) so he can take care of everything.

Tyler and Jen said...

I feel your pain! We all had the flu a few weeks ago but I didn't get to lay in bed like I wanted to...the mom has to take care of everyone else. Hope you feel better SOON!