Saturday, April 24, 2010

Baseball Season

Logan started machine pitch baseball in the West Jordan Pony League this year, so I am at the ball fields two nights a week. He plays for the Cardinals. So far he has really enjoyed it and has been doing great. Maybe he got some of his dad's baseball genes. Spence is determined to turn him into a pitcher like he was. (only because he can't run very fast...shhh....) Logan has been playing the pitching position this season. Since it's machine pitch he doesn't actually pitch the ball, but he has assisted in some outs to first base and caught a pop fly during his first game.
He has hit the ball almost every time up to bat. There's been a few times that he has struck out. He even hit a couple of home runs.
Don't they all look so cute in their uniforms? Logan was hoping for the #13 to be like his dad, but the numbers didn't go that high. Maybe next year....

Go Cardinals!

1 comment:

Emily said...

I'm telling you - that kid is GOOD!!! He was so fun to watch. And I think they look so adorable in their baseball uniforms. But, I've always been a big, fat sucker for baseball uniforms. My favorite part is that when he and Austin play together, they both want to play baseball. I LOVE that! And I really love the fact that your kids are such "Outside Kids." It rubs off on my kids, and there is nothing I love more than watching the kids run all around the neighborhood playing (without the TV, Nintendo, computer, etc.). I LOVE your adorable family! I can't wait to meet the newest member!