Monday, May 10, 2010

Uncle Sean

As many of you know, Spence's brother Sean is in a diabetic coma. Saturday night his 10 year old son found him unresponsive on the couch. When paramedics arrived Sean didn't have a pulse. They were able to stabilize him at the hospital. They have kept his body temperature down to help with any damage that may have been caused to his heart and brain. Late last night they turned off the cooling machine and are letting his temperature slowly rise to normal on its own. Sean has had uncontrollable twitching that they think is due to brain damage. Once his temperature is normal, doctors will run an EEG. Things don't look good, although we are trying to remain positive.

Yesterday in sacrament meeting Logan and Claire drew Uncle Sean a picture and wrote a note saying how they loved him. Sean is very close to all of his nieces and nephews. Claire and him are especially close. (The above picture is Sean's profile picture on Facebook.) I was able to hang up the pictures in Sean's room yesterday when I saw him. Logan and Claire are quite concerned. We've told them that Sean is sick and is kind of sleeping right now. This morning Logan told me he had a dream that Sean died. How do I respond to that? I just told him we didn't know what would happen, but that Sean's brain might have some damage and if he does die that he will be with Heavenly Father. Logan added "and still be with us." I said yes- we will still have him in our hearts and have our memories of him. I am thankful that they were able to spend last Sunday with him at dinner and that it was an enjoyable time.

I guess we need times like these to help us to rely on the Lord for strength, peace and comfort. I have been quite emotional this morning since the house is quiet and I'm alone for first time since it happened. Spence's family is strong and supportive so I know we will be able to get through whatever may happen. Please continue to keep us in your prayers.

Update: Sean unfortunately has extensive brain damage. The only part that is functioning is the cerebral part. He was without oxygen for at least 20 minutes and the doctors said the 15 minutes it took to revive him could cause damage as well. There is no chance of him ever recovering or having a normal life. He will be kept on breathing machine until his son Jeremy gets here from Iraq (Tuesday) and then be taken off it. We are all very sad about this and will miss Sean. I talked to Logan and Claire tonight about it and many questions were asked and tears shed. Spence gave them each a father's blessing for peace and comfort. Claire was writing down all the things that her and Sean have done together. Logan is my sensitive one so he took it quite hard. He wanted to give Sean a big hug. I wish that were possible. I just reassured them how much Sean loved them and that he would be with Heavenly Father. I hate it when my kids are sad and in pain but I am so grateful for the Gospel and the help and comfort it brings.


Shauna said...

I'm so sorry Jackie, I didn't know about this and reading it has hit me like a punch in the stomach. I hope everything turns out okay with your BIL. Brothers are so special. I'll be praying for your family to have comfort and Sean to heal. I'm so sorry you and your family have to go through this.

Brian and Kim said...

I'm so sorry that your family is going through this right now. You'll be in our prayers.

Emily said...

Oh Jackie. I'm so sorry. We are sending all our love your way.

Anonymous said...

You are such a beautiful person Jackie. You always think of the things to help the family while those around are suffering. This is a gift of comfort you are able to bring into the lives of those you touch. The whole family is like mine and I can only imagine the pain they all suffer. I to am grateful for the knowledge we have of our gosple. Prayers are with you today as you all face this challenge. Love, Mom

Allyson said...

This has got to be a very hard day for all of you. The past several, but especially today. I'm so sorry. We're thinking of you!!!

Skye and Jordon said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you guys. I'm so sorry for your loss... The Gospel is definitely there, especially when we need it. Let me know if I can help in any way.
