Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Jailman

I was in the backyard yesterday and Claire came running out.

"Mom! The jailman just came."
"What? What is the jailman?"
"You know, the man that takes people to jail."
"Well, why was he at our house?"
"I don't know. Maybe cuz of all the fighting going on inside."
"Are the kids fighting?"
"Yes, and the jailman took them away."

Laughing "Oh, okay Claire."
"Ah...I'm just kidding mom!"

Where does she come up with this stuff?


Emily said...

Great! Send that jailman over to my house to pick up my fighting kids as soon as they are done with yours!

Andee said...

I love these posts! That marital rating is too funny! I love the delaying going to bed.:)

Jen-ben said...

hehehehe! She cracks me up!