Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Kids Say the Darnest Things...

I had a few laughs courtesy of some neighborhood kids today so thought I'd share....

Macy was over this morning and Spence was fixing her some chocolate milk. I was making beds at the time and this is what I overheard...
Spence: "Macy, does your mom ever fix you chocolate milk at home?"
Macy: "Nope."
Spence: "Does she give you fruit roll ups?"
Macy: "Nope. My mom is mean. I'm going to have to send her to her room."

I died laughing. (We all know you are not mean Emily and how much Macy really loves you.)

Then later in the afternoon all of the kids were out playing on the deck. They had about every spare blanket in my house out there making a "fort." Quinn came knocking on the door. I let him in and said "Quinn! Did your mom decide to unground you?" (He has been grounded all week for fighting with his sister.) He had a huge smile on his face and said: "No. My dad did. It's our little secret." Once again, I busted out laughing! Let me guess- dad was home babysitting and couldn't take it anymore?.... Well, I'm glad he couldn't because Logan has been waiting all week to play with him. :-)


Emily said...

If only my kids would send me to my room! Doesn't that sound wonderful!

She will tell complete strangers (like the checkout lady at the supermarket): "Hi! My name's Macy, and this is my sister, Paige. This is my mom. She's mostly nice, but sometimes she's mean. Sometimes she yells at us." At least she stops before she says, "Sometimes she beats us."

One day, when Macy's poor, unfortunate husband comes over to confront us about what a spoiled little brat we created, I'm sending him straight over to Spence. He lets that girl get away with murder! Perhaps he's conspiring with Greg! It's impossible to count how many men she already has wrapped around her finger. I think she's going for a world record! :)

Rose said...

Ha ha I love it! K I have one I have to tell you...
One time my nephew comes running into the house yelling "daddy pooped on the front lawn!" We go outside and he is airating (idk if that's how you spell it!) the lawn. He told everyone for about a week after about how is father poops on the front lawn!