Friday, February 20, 2009

Queen of the Catwalk

First of all, let me just say that I have never been surrounded by so many fake boobies in my life as I was in the gym on Tuesday. I think all the women must reward themselves with a new "set" once they get their bodies in shape. On the treadmill next to me was a lady with her nice set of "twins" (as Curtis Brown calls them) and her little sportsbra/tank shirt. Her incline on the treadmill was at a 10! I didn't even know the incline went that high. It was like she was hiking up a mountain. And she went for a full hour! I guess it was intimidating and I was determined to stay on there as long as she did so I walked/jogged 4.25 miles on the treadmill. It took me 60 minutes. I was proud of myself for enduring that long on there. Wednesday I returned to the gym with a burst of energy. I did the 4 miles- ten minutes faster than before- and thought "I'm going to go for five miles." I sped up the pace and was jogging and actually running. I had my Ipod going and felt great. I did the five miles and I just wanted to throw my arms up in the air and do a little cheer. Yahoo! I did it! I contained myself- didn't want to draw any undo attention to myself- AND I KEPT ON GOING! I guess I was on a "high." I did 6 miles total. I proved that I could do it. My Aunt Karen has been exercising and losing weight (60 lbs in like 4 months) and she started calling her treadmill "The Catwalk" because she felt so great on it. At that 6 mile moment I truly felt like the "Queen of the Catwalk." I don't know where I got the energy from. Maybe it was because I finally went and saw Twilight the night before. Edward Cullen was giving me some extra energy or something. :-)

The rest of the day was pretty much a waste because I was so exhausted. I felt a little better after a short nap and a hot shower. Thursday, I was back at the gym. My body was feeling it so I could only do 3 miles. The entire week I have watched what I eat and only had ONE diet Pepsi a day. That is huge for me! Then I get on the scale this morning and have gained a pound and a half! What the H***!!!! I just don't get it. I have been exercising about 3 times a week (sometimes more) for at least 6 weeks now and not one stinking pound is gone and my thighs still rub together when I walk. So, I popped open the can of diet pepsi and made some cookies. Cookies and caffeine makes it all better....there's always next week. I wish you could see results instantaneously when exercising. Walk a mile, lose a pound, walk a mile, lose a pound...... UGH.


cami said...

Way to go "Queen of the Catwalk!!"
You rock!! WOW! Six stinkin' miles in one day!!!!!I know what you mean about committing yourself to exercising 3x week for 6 weeks and not seeing the lbs. on the scale go down, in fact like you, I've seen them go up! It's so discouraging and frustrating. I always reward myself the same way you do when I don't see my numbers go down. I rebel by eating three cookies instead of one- and that makes me feel good for a while until I take that last bite of cookie and realize that d--- it, it's gonna take 3 times of going to the gym to burn those extra cookies off. It is a vicious circle of self mutilation. My new goal is to just go to the gym whether the scale cooperates or not. I benefit in other ways, just not the principle way that I'd like. See you at the gym! Don't give up on yourself. Keep up the good work. As for the fake boobies...

Jen-ben said...

Dang it! How frustrating! I worked out religiously for SIX weeks until the weight started to fall off. Keep going! You are awesome! I'll some inspiration in about 2 months to start really going again.
One of these days, I'll go to the gym and you'll be the one with the huge know it's true. :)

Jen-ben said...
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Jen-ben said...
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Skye and Jordon said...

:) You're doing great then! I run around the block...that is about all the time I get to excercise. You know, it's muscle that's making you gain that one'll come off... But it's so frustrating...for me as well.. :o) Hope your family is doing great!

Emily said...

First of all, I would have just said the word instead of putting little stars in place (but I'm not 100% convinced that either "hell" or "damn" are actual swear words).

Secondly, I'm so sorry you are frustrated. It took me an entire year on a strict diet and exercise (6 times a week - religiously) to finally lose 30 pounds. Four months later, I met Greg. I often wonder if he would have even noticed me with the weight on. It was tough and incredibly frustrating. So, I'm sorry.

Third, six miles is totally impressive! I don't think I could ever do that!

Fourth, sometimes the examination of the fake boobies at that gym is what keeps my mind occupied for an hour of exercise. Seriously!!! It's a wonder, with all the services provided at Lifetime, that the gym doesn't' just employ its own plastic surgeon. They could set up an office right next to the spa and make a bundle!

Finally, I think you are such a beautiful person! You are stunningly gorgeous - really! Tall, blonde, proportioned, with a gorgeous smile - Stunning!

Brian and Kim said...

I totally agree with Emily, you are a beautiful person. And I am jealous that you are always composed and classy. Also, I think that our bodies go through a shock process when we change what we are doing daily and it takes a few weeks for it to adjust. You'll see results mighty quick. Oh and next time you make cookies, call me and I'll help you enjoy those. :) I'll even bring a diet dr pepper.

Keep it up!! You are amazing.