Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Still Eating Cookies

Well, I am still enjoying my cookies and diet pepsi. Haven't made it back to the gym yet. (See post below...) Partly because I've been battling a cold. (EXCUSE-I know.) I tried a new cookie recipe yesterday that I found on another blog. TO DIE FOR! They were chocolate cookies. There are variations on the recipe. You can add white choc chips, choc chips with mint chips- or the one I did. You wrap the dough around a Rolo and bake. YUM YUM! Nothing like a caramel center in a chocolate cookie- and so easy. If anyone wants the recipe then let me know and I'll post it and try and find the blog where I found it to give them credit.

So as for now I am adding calories instead of subtracting them. (I was always better at addition than subtraction anyway.)


Allyson said...

Hi jackie. I'm thinking I should try those cookies before going out on a limb with a recipe I know nothing about! :) Maybe you can post your recipe! I LOVE good cookies!!!!!!!! Gym, schmym....

Andee said...

Yeah, that would be great if you posted the recipe. sounds like its worth a try!

Jen-ben said...

Uh hello...where are mine?? I would love the recipe!!

cmdance said...

Yep post the recipe sister - we have the boys and Deans parents next weekend - it would be good for me to look a little Betty Crockerish!


Emily said...

I spoke to Greg last night and he said that the cookies were unbelievable. (Thank you to all of you neighborhood ladies for taking care of my family while I'm gone!) In fact, he said that he is going to hide them so he can eat all of them and the kids won't get any. We are AWESOME parents!