Monday, February 2, 2009

Short Conversations with Kids

Here are a few conversations I've had with some of my kids lately....

I was with Logan and walked by someone smoking and we both hated the smell of it. Logan commented on it so I took the opportunity to tell him all the bad stuff about smoking...

Me: "Smoking is really stinky and bad for your body. It makes your insides black and gross. It damages your lungs and makes it hard to breathe and can give you cancer which is a disease that makes you sick and can kill you. "(No harm in scaring them to death is there?)

Logan: "Well why do people smoke then? Do they WANT to get sick?" Good question bud.

All Claire has been watching on TV lately is TLC. (Learning Channel) She loves the baby shows- Baby Story, Bringing Home Baby. She also is addicted to Jon and Kate plus 8. This was her question of the day-

Claire: "Mom, what do you do at baby showers?"

Me: "You bring gifts for the new baby and sometimes eat and play games."

Claire: "Well, does the baby take a little bath or something?"

Me: (laughing) "No, the baby usually isn't born yet. You bring the gifts for the mom so she can be ready for when the baby comes."

Claire: "So the baby doesn't even get to watch?"

Geez- what a bummer party for the baby!

I was reading the other day and not really paying attention to Claire. She came up and started telling me this:

Claire: "Mom, Macy's little cousin had to go to the hospital the other day because he swallowed a polly pocket toy."

Me: (not really paying attention...) "Oh, really?"

Claire: "Yeah, they had to get it out of him."

Me: "Hmmmm."

Claire: "They had to cut off his foot to get it out."

Me: "Hmmm." Then it registered what she had said... "What? I don't think so Claire. They don't cut your foot off to get something out of you that is stuck."

The thing with Claire is she is really good at making stuff up and telling stories so I never know what is true and what isn't. Em- did your nephew really swallow a polly pocket and get his foot cut off to get it out? :-)

Oh- another funny moment was when I had picked up kids from school. We dropped off one of Nate's friends and Logan wanted to walk the rest of the way home. So he got out of the car and started running home. I was following in the car and started to roll down my window. At the same exact moment Nate did the same thing and we both shouted out the window "Run Forrest Run!" We busted out laughing that we would have the same thought at the same time. It was funny- guess you had to be there. :-)


Andee said...

I LOVE hearing kid bloopers like this! Thanks for the laughs!

Brian and Kim said...

Love it, too funny!! Thanks for the laughs.

Skye and Jordon said...

:) Jackie! You did a great job at Grandpa's thing! It was good to see you and your family. The Oldroyd side hasn't been all together for such a LONG time! We are doing good. Just school and work... What about you and your family? :) Hope you are all well! Thanks so much for leaving a comment on my blog. It's good to talk to you! :)

Emily said...

I am not aware of an of my nephews missing their feet. But, today in the car, Macy was telling Claire about her Grandma's house. Claire, in turn, told Macy that her Grandma's house is so small that they don't have any bedrooms. Her grandma apparently has to sleep on the floor every night. Macy was shocked that any Grandma would have to sleep on the floor. I think that made Claire even more impressed with her story. Too funny!

Spencer davis said...

run Forrest run, thats priceless! I laughed and laughed.

Jen-ben said...

LOL...I love all of this! So great to write down these things...we forget so quickly!