Thursday, April 9, 2009

Important Life Questions

Driving home from school yesterday with Logan and Claire in the car...

Claire: "Mom, when will we see Grandpa Dee again?"
Me: "When Jesus comes again, but nobody knows when that will be. We will all be resurrected though."
Claire: "Then we will live forever?"
Me: "Yep, that's right.
Logan: "I wonder if there will be Star Wars videos and games? I sure hope so."
Me: "Hmm.. I don't know about that."
Logan: "Does Santa Claus die?"
Me: "Umm...probably."
Logan: "Well, then who would be Santa?"
Me: "I guess he just finds someone else to do it."
Logan: "No, I think he just lives forever because he wouldn't be able to find another magic man."

So my conclusion from this is that Santa Claus must be one of the 3 Nephites. :-)


Jen-ben said...

Ok, those are WAY too funny! I love those two. Besides what will we do with no video games or Santa???

Emily said...

Don't you just love the deep, intellectual conversations we have with our children. No wonder our brains are turned to mush at the end of the day! They are hilarious though (and so stinkin' cute). I loved watching Claire in church today. She was sitting on Spence's lap, holding the hymn book as if she were singing. The funniest part is that neither one of them were actually singing. So funny!

Allyson said...

That must be it! That's just precious!!!!!