Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Modern Day Seamstress

Tera Brown- just go ahead and skip reading this post....

Meet my new sewing machine....

Did you know that the Iron paired up with this:

can do AMAZING things! Need a patch put on a scout uniform? Need pants shortened? Need drapes brought up a bit? Viola! You can do it without a needle and thread! If I can do it- anyone can do it. The possibilities are endless. It has become my new best friend. :-)


cami said...

You are definately crafty-or resourceful! What are you "sewing?"

Brian and Kim said...

I love short cuts like this that don't cost a fortune. Thanks for sharing your great find!!

Emily said...

So, I went over to my mom's house yesterday and had made cookies. She said proudly, "Yes, it's Jackie's recipe." It took me a minute to process, but I said, "My Jackie?" "Yeah. I got it off her blog." It was just kind of funny that she was talking about you like she lived next door. I guess blogs do that. Anyway...They were unbelievable. She didn't have any Rolo's, so I guess we'll just have to try it again!

Oh, and this is the only way that I will ever be able to sew, so thanks a ton for the tip!

Tera said...

So, I'm finally taking a minute to read blogs, I haven't been here forever :) I love stitch witchery! Believe it or not, I have used it on many wedding dresses! It is great for hems on certain dresses :)