Friday, October 17, 2008

Mother Warriors

Last Wednesday I had a VERY lazy day at home. I was tired and actually laid on the couch watching TV the entire day I think. I got caught up with everything recorded in the DVR. Basically it was me and Oprah at home. :-) (I didn't have any Bon Bon's though.) One of the shows was titled "Mother Warriors." Did anyone see it? It had Jenny McCarthy on there talking about the improvements in her son with his autism. She talked about how as moms we do everything we can for our kids if they need help. If something doesn't work- we try something else. I am thankful that my children are healthy and don't have any "special needs." I don't know if I am the type of person that could have the patience needed for that. Anyway, she had a mom on there that is still bringing tears to my eyes. She went to deliver her second baby by C-section. She delivered a healthy beautiful baby girl. Soon after the delivery, the mother began to get a rare infection. To make it short- they ended up removing her ovaries, uterus, gall bladder, part of her colon and both arms and legs! She spent months in the hospital. When they told her they would have to amputate her limbs her reply was "Just do what you need to do to get me home to my family." Wow! She has learned to function and had such a positive attitude. When Jenny was interviewing her this was a comment she made that has stuck with me:

"What good are you to your children if you're miserable? What are you teaching them- that you give up? I want them to know that their mother is a fighter. Don't ever give up on anything- ever."

I know I find myself getting so frustrated with being a mother and my lack of patience and how it wears me out. It really put things in perspective seeing this mom on there. She has plenty to be upset and complain about. But she doesn't. When in the hospital all she wanted to do was get home and take care of her new baby. She doubled up on her physical therapy and worked so hard. It made me feel so blessed. What business do I have complaining? I have my health- and all my limbs. I GET to comb my kids hair, wrap my arms around them, fix them dinner, paint their nails (just Claire's lol), drive them places, etc. Since watching that Oprah, I have tried to be more positive with my kids and be happier. If I feel myself start to feel down I remember her comment "What good are you to your children if you're miserable?"

Here's the link if you'd like to read about this episode: Mother Warriors


Jen-ben said...

Love that!!!

Emily said...

Even though I very, very rarely watch Oprah, but I actually did catch this episode. It was completely inspiring to say the least. You say it so beautifully!

Tyler and Jen said...

I swear I will be having the worst day, and then I will log on to your blog, and read something that sounds so much like what I'm feeling or worrying about and I'll think "Oh my gosh...I'm not alone!!! Tyler and I have been feeling really sorry for ourselves about having to live here in Texas, and our lousy economic situation, and I have to admit I've been feeling guilty about being so depressed about our situation around our your comments really made me think "I really need to pull my head out of my butt!!!" :> lol

Brian and Kim said...

Ok, I read this the day you posted and read the link to it. I've thought about it all week and I just don't know how this lady does it. I am so amazed at her strength. She is a great example to all women.