Friday, October 3, 2008


Thanks Jen for the "I Love Your Blog" tag. It gives me something to post about. I've been lacking in that area lately.... One word answers? Are you kidding me? I will do my best...

1. Where is your cell phone? counter
2. Where is your significant other? bed (Yes, you can see the time of the post...)
3. Your hair color? awful
4. Your mother? giving
5. Your father? reserved
6. Your favorite thing? cookies
7. Your dream last night? nothing
8. Your dream/goal? patience
9. The room you're in? basement
10. Your hobby? baking
11. Your fear? non-acceptance
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? happy
13. Where were you last night? Home
14. What you're not? in-shape
15. One of your wish-list items? boob-job (shallow, I know)
16. Where you grew up? evanston
17. The last thing you ate? diet pepsi
18. What are you wearing? sweatbottoms (that I had when I was pregnant with Nate. PATHETIC!)

19. Your TV? outdated
20. Your pet? sold
21. Your computer? crashed!
22. Your mood? down
23. Missing someone? karen
24. Your car? gashog
25. Something you're not wearing? bra
26. Favorite store? Costco
27. Your summer? quiet
28. Love someone? yes
29. Your favorite color? green
30. When is the last time you laughed? jenspoopypost
31. Last time you cried? thursday

I am supposed to award 7 people with the "I love your blog award" and in so doing tag them to complete the above questions with one word answers. But I don't even know if I have 7 people that read my blog- so if you're reading this, then guess what! You're tagged and I'm sure I love your Blog!


Fauset Photography said...

I loved these...ah Jackie. I love your hair color, you are obviously in better shape than you did TREK!! Hello! And a boob job- not so shallow. :)

Emily said...

I dream of a boob job too, and I can't believe you still have the sweat-bottoms that you had when you were pregnant with Nate. Impressive!

Jackie said...

No Emily. NOT impressive. First, it's so wrong that I would have a pair of sweat bottoms for 13 years. Second, I wore them when I was pregnant with Nathan- and they fit me now. I weighed only about ten pounds more than I do now when I delivered Nate. Ugh!

Rose said...

ha ha love it!