Friday, November 21, 2008

Marathon Shmarathon

I took Logan and Claire to a Family Beach Night at Logan's school last night. They had a DJ and the kids were having a blast dancing around. I was sitting in between two ladies off to the side. One of them was holding a little baby girl- around 2 or 3 months old. The lady was so skinny. I just shook my head and wondered how it would be to be that thin after having a new baby. (Or ever actually!) She sees the lady next to me and starts talking to her about how the San Fransisco Marathon was. (The lady was wearing a jacket with that printed on it.) So they proceeded to talk about how many marathons they've ran, details about them, etc. OK- so I would love to be able to say I've ran a marathon. I see the people on Oprah, etc who just got in shape, trained and did it. Lost weight, etc. They are so inspiring and I tear up just thinking about what it would be like to cross the finish line at a marathon. Wow, what a feeling it must be. But I don't care if you put 101 motivational speakers in front of me- I still couldn't start running. Just not in me to do it. I had to sit and listen to "marathon talk" and it just made me feel like crap. Like I've never accomplished anything like that in my life.... Anyhow, the kids enjoyed the night...Here's my first attempt at posting a video. Taken with cell phone so they're not the best quality. :-(

Claire is doing the Twist. (White shirt.)

Logan is rocking- attempting a little back spin- to Barbie World! LOL


Jen-ben said...

Those are so cute! I love it when kids dance!
Maybe you should start training for a marathon...then you could do it and I would hate you. :)
You could always shoot for a half marathon, that would be almost just as cool!

Tyler and Jen said...

Tyler's brother Jason and his girlfriend Monica ran the St. George marathon while we were down there visiting. I know Tyler was looking at skinny Monica who also has three children (the youngest is 4) and wishing he was married to a woman that ran marathons...sorry! Not going to happen. Wish I was married to a man who didn't wish he was married to a woman who ran marathons! ;-)

Brian and Kim said...

Oh Jackie, Runners are crazy for adreneline. Trust me, I know because I'm one but I will not kill myself to finish a full marathon. It's just not for my body. I love half's (they are way cool because I can walk again that day) and I feel complete just doing those. Anyways, you need to do what you enjoy. Who cares what it is as long as it makes you happy and feel good about you.

Plus, I've always thought you look great.

Emily said...

What?!? You don't run?!? I run a couple a week! Okay...I'm really with you...I am totally NOT a runner. My sister-in-law is a runner, and she believes that any other form of exercise isn't "real" and she thinks people are just lazy who aren't runners (she pretty much thinks her way of living is the ONLY way). There are so many ways to exercise, and I just can't get into the running. I don't understand the adrenaline. I've personally never experienced it. I pretty much just want to lay down and get trampled on whenever I attempt running. Sorry you got stuck in the conversation. But, I agree, I think you are gorgeous! I've always been slightly jealous of your beauty. Really...I mean that. It wasn't meant to be sarcastic.

Love the dancing!

Allyson said...

Like you, I have major respect for serious runners like that...but it's not in the cards for me! I don't like to run across a field in pursuit of something (or someone), never mind keep going indefinitely! That's a strength for those ladies and you have strengths that would make them feel crappy about themselves. We always measure our weaknesses against the strengths of others. I guess that's just how it is. I could relate to this one quite well. I didn't watch the videos yet..gotta run.