Thursday, March 20, 2008

Cereal Aholic

So I have a confession to make....I am addicted to cold cereals. I LOVE them. I could eat a bowl of cereal at any time of the day. Before I go to bed every night- I eat a bowl of cereal. I like any kind there is- except with raisins. I especially like Apple Jacks, Captain Crunch Berries, and Honey Chex. My favorite thing to add to cereal is strawberries and peaches. (not together.) Anyhow, glad I got that off my chest. :-)


Valerie said...

I'm with you on this one! I can't even imagine anything else for breakfast. My poor family suffers from my habits, I guess. Cannon won't let us have it for dinner, so I usually only have it in the mornings now. . .with other breakfast foods for dinner!

Emily said...

That's too funny. I never would have guessed. My poor kids are cereal deprived. The only meal that I can pretty much guarantee that they'll eat is breakfast, so I make them eat oatmeal or eggs. It won't be too long until they catch onto me!

Laura said...

I love it too! My favorite is Captain Crunch, but we've agreed to no high sugar cereal in the house, so there goes that. We manage to get some good ones in though!