Monday, March 17, 2008

St. Patricks Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Don't forget to wear GREEN! I wouldn't want any of my friends to get pinched!

Saturday we went to the primary activity at Temple Square. Thank you primary for taking the time to plan this activity! My family had fun. We enjoyed spending time together as a family. Afterwards we went to breakfast/lunch with friends at Denny's. It was wild, but lots of fun. Claire and I were laying in bed that night and I asked her what her favorite part of temple square was. She said "Sitting in the stroller with Paige." Then the next day at church Spence asked her the same thing. She gave him the same answer. So thank you Greg for pushing Claire in the stroller with Paige! Claire loves her!

Every time I see the Salt Lake Temple I am truly amazed at the pioneers and how they could build such a beautiful building. And to keep at it for 40 years! They truly must have had a testimony of temple work. I watched the video "Legacy" last week with Logan. I am so thankful that I wasn't born in those times because I know that I wouldn't have been able to have the faith to keep going like they did and keep starting over. Some of them had such trials in their lives. So many heartaches. It got me to thinking about the trials in my life. They seem so small compared to trials of others. I've never had any major sickness or disease in myself or children, never had infertility problems, never had to leave my home for or been persecuted because of my religion, etc. I am grateful for the trials that I have had to make me a stronger person, but I am thankful that they haven't been trials like the ones I mentioned. Sorry, guess I kind of rambled about all different things!


Jen-ben said...

I feel the same! Can you imagine 40 years??? What I REALLY can't imagine is giving birth while crossing the way.
I'm so excited to do Treck with you guys!!!

Emily said...

Ditto to all of you! I really can't even wrap my mind around 40 years to build the temple. But, I never know how they walked away from the temples in Kirtland and Nauvoo either. I would have sobbed! I'm so excited for you guys to do trek (and a little bit jealous). Greg and I absolutely loved it (we say it enough that people are probably getting sick of hearing it). Let me know if you have any questions.

I know Claire loves Paige. Sometimes I wish my own children loved Paige as much as Claire loves Paige. It's funny - sometimes I wonder if Claire comes over to play with Macy or Paige. But I should tell you that sometimes Macy uses Claire to get to your stash of goodies. The other day Macy suggested to Claire that they go to your house to play. She immediately followed it up with, "Do you still have fruit roll ups at your house?" My little moocher!

Laura said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day to you too. Don't worry, lot's of green at this house. We were talking about the temple too after the activity and Josh said he couldn't believe it took them so long to build it but he was so glad they did. He loved that they put the sun, moon and stars on the outside to remind us of the three kingoms. Cool!

Jackie said...

I am excited to do trek with you too! Do you understand all of the time and stuff you have to do to be the "ma" and "pa"? I didn't know if you did or not when you volunteered. :-) I will get with you to help plan activities and such...