Friday, March 14, 2008


Happy Birthday Jasmine! So our dog just turned one yesterday. As most of you know, we sold her last week. We can't even keep a dog for a year. As much as we loved her, she was doing too much damage to our backyard. Not to mention the hair she was leaving in my kitchen. Yuck! Disgusting! Gross! I made Spence put off selling her because I didn't think I could deal with the kids being upset about it. But, after I swept the floor one day I had had enough. I put an ad on KSL Classifieds, and within one hour we had sold her. She went to a great family outside of Brigham City. They have acres of farmland, another dog, chickens, goats, etc. Jasmine is adjusting just fine and is having fun. It is strange to not have her in the backyard anymore though. And I apologize to my children that they will grow up without a family pet.


Emily said...

We tried a dog for a couple of years, too. My mom graciously bought Austin a dog when I was having a hard time having a baby. (That makes a lot of sense, right!) A couple of months after Macy was born, I realized that I have children INSTEAD of having pets. She was an inside dog, and she shed (even though she wasn't supposed to), and I just couldn't handle the hair everywhere. Oh well...I figure the kids will be fine, and they can have an entire zoo if they want - once they get their own houses.

Jen-ben said...

Don't worry I couldn't keep a dog for a day. The poop alone would do me in. :)

Valerie said...

Yay! I love your blog! And I can't believe how grown up your kids are! I'm with you on the pet thing. I always thought I'd be able to handle a pet (outside!) if I had a husband who would seriously take care of it. But my husband turns out to be more opposed to pets than me! (what a relief!) We tell the kids that their stuffed animals are the only pets they'll ever have, and their stuffed animals are well loved.

Laura said...

We thought we'd start off with a guinea pig then perhaps move on to a dog. Oh, sure...he's cute to hold and play with, but help change the cage...No no, that seems to be mom's job. Now they have to help change it or no holding Snickers. They love him so much but are still looking forward to someday when he passes away so they can get a dog. Morbid, huh? What can I say? We'll see what when that day comes!