Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Neverending Story

Things that are neverending at my house:

1- the laundry pile. Every time I turn around the hampers are completely full again. I especially hate putting the clothes away.

2- the dust. I HATE to dust. What was I thinking buying so much black furniture??

3- unloading the dishwasher. Is no one else capable of it?

4- trying to keep the kitchen floor clean. I hate the tile. It is always dirty it seems. And how many times can Cherry Red Slurpee be cleaned up off the kitchen floor in one day? Answer: Three.

5- the clutter. It seems to be creeping up in every corner lately. Maybe it's telling me that spring cleaning is around the corner.

6- the cars that are constantly in the vicinity of my house. (I won't say anything more about that one.)

7- fixing dinners. I swear I do it at least 5 times a night. Do I look like a short order cook?


Laura said...

My list would include vacuuming and cleaning the toilets. Two of my least favorite, never ending, on going chores. I mean reallly, is it too much to ask to make sure it all goes INSIDE the big,round white thing in the bathroom and then you flush when your done (LOL)!

Emily said...

My list would be identical except the cooking dinner. My poor kids get one meal. If they don't eat, I guess they starve. My poor kids!