Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Question of the Day

How can someone use an entire hot water heater full of water to clean a 3-gallon fish tank??? My husband decided to clean out the fish tank today. As he was finishing I got into the shower. Freezing cold! Not even one drop of hot water. I know, you're asking yourself "Why didn't she just get out and wait for the water to heat back up?" Well, after already being undressed and wet, who wants to get back out. So as I was in there, slightly cussing as I was jumping in and out of the cold water in between cleaning and rinsing, I thought "Okay. I'm going to turn this around. I should be thankful that I even have indoor plumbing with water to shower in." It helped a little, but I still let Spence know that it was utterly ridiculous that he used up all of the hot water. As he was putting his fish into the tank, he was worried about them because the water was cold. He put them in and goes "Yep, I think they are in shock from the cold water." I smiled and replied "I know how they feel!"


Emily said...

I liked the "slightly cussing" part. If you ever hear Macy say, "Oh my hell" - that's from me! Anything out of the PG-rated swear words...well, you'll have to talk to Greg.

Emily said...

Oh...and I'm totally with you on just sticking it out in the freezing cold. There's no way I would have gotten out of the shower, waited for the water to warm up, and then get back in. Let's be honest, some days I can't even find the time for one shower, let alone two!

Laura said...

I am laughing so hard. I would have been "slightly cussing" too, only at the top of my lungs. I can't stand a cold shower. Emily made me remember this...Once I was on the computer, Boyd was watching football and Josh was tossing his football around in the family room. As I listened closer I heard Josh saying, "damn it". I asked him what he was saying it and where he had heard it. He said, "It's OK, dad said it a minute ago." I asked Boyd about it and he didn't even remember saying it. Just goes to show what those little ears hear and that at our house it's got to be Boyd's fault...right!

cmdance said...

Hey Jackie - I just found out about your blog, Of course your stories about my brother are my new favorite entertainment! I bet that was the cleanest fish tank in town!!!
