Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Family Night

Monday we had family home evening. The kids always want to go swimming so were bummed when I told them no. (once again) I told Logan we were having a lesson tonight on Moroni. I asked if he knew who Moroni was. He said "He was in a war and lots of people were killed. He found a spot under rocks and hid the golden plates." Wow! Thank you primary teachers! I told him that was right. His reply: "Now we don't have to have a lesson." Sorry, nice try. Still having a lesson. After our lesson we had a fire in the backyard and had the Molloys over for smores. It was a lot of fun. The kids had fun together and were being silly. I hope the neighbors didn't mind the noise until late at night! We miss the Molloys and wish they still lived down the street.
The kids liked to start their marshmallows on fire so they could watch them burn and then blow them out. Then they discovered if they threw the marshmallows in the fire they got really big. That entertained them for quite awhile.


Emily said...

I'm so jealous...that you got to eat yummy smores AND spend a whole night with the Molloy's. Looks like a ton of fun! And how impressive is Logan!!!

Brian and Kim said...

Yum!!! I can't help but think of camping when I see these delicious looking smores. It's great that you had a good FHE with your family and the Molloy's.

Brian and Kim said...
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