Friday, May 30, 2008

60 Minutes of Pure Heaven

Last year for Mother's Day I gave my mom a gift card to the Cottage Retreat and Day Spa at Garnder Village. Well, she has never taken the time to use it so she sent it back to me since it expires the end of May. Today I used it on a 60 minute facial. Heavenly! I like facials so much better than massages. I always feel like I can't relax during a massage because I'm worried about what the person is thinking while they're rubbing my cellulite. I'm too self conscious. I don't care what they think of my face though! LOL Anyway- it was so nice to relax and be pampered and have my dirty pores extracted. :-) It's amazing how quickly an hour goes by when you can relax.... So that Mother's Day gift worked out pretty nice for me eh? I guess my mom is an "indian taker" rather than "indian giver." (Is that a politically correct term to use nowdays? You never know anymore....)

PS- So if I have a "glow" about me it's because of the facial and NOT because I'm pregnant. LOL


Andee said...

You're hilarious, Jackie! Dang, that sounds so nice.
Hey, on your recipe, what does TAB mean?

Jackie said...

it means tablespoon.

Jen-ben said...


Brian and Kim said...

I was wondering about that glow;) LOL.. What a nice way to take some time for you. It's definitely something that more of us should do. :)

Emily said...

How wonderful! I absolutely LOVE facials. I used to get them for free quite often because my sister used to work for a spa. I got to be a "model" and have the ladies practice on me. It definitely was heaven!

Laura said...

Sounds like a perfect way to spend an hour! I'll have to give it a try... :)