Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Tempest

Nathan was in a school play last week. The class performed "The Tempest." Nathan was Prince Ferdinand. They all did so good. I was impressed that they could memorize so many lines by Shakespeare. Nathan was embarrassed because he had the "love" part in the play. He falls in love with Miranda and spoke such words of poetry to her. So he's been teased quite a bit over it. Here are a few pictures from the play. I couldn't get too close and I was trying to videotape with my other hand.


Notaname said...

Come on mom!!! I wanted this play to be secret, do you want the world to tease me!?!??!?!?!?!

Emily said...

Nathan actually told me about this at piano, and he made it a point to tell me he had to act like he was in love with a girl. We did "Macbeth" in 6th Grade, and it is one of my favorite memories of school. I did ask him if he got to kiss the girl, but he said "no." I think he was a little disapointed. :) (Totally kidding, Nathan)