Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day

This is an email i received from my dad today. I thought I would share his thoughts with each of you on this Memorial Day.

I visited the cemetery early this morning. It had been raining but the sun came out while I was there for a few moments and it was a very peaceful place. As I looked around at all of the flowers that had been placed on the gravesites my attention was drawn to the thousands of United States Flags that had been placed on the graves of all those who have served in the military and are now buried in our little cemetery. Since it is Memorial Day and it is designated as a day to remember these men and women, especially those who have died while serving, I could not help but think that these little flags were far more beautiful to me than all of the flowers that they shared the scene with. As I drove away, I wondered at the rising generation of today, those who spend all of their time looking for and identifying the faults and shortcomings of the country today. And those who are filled with selfishness who only ask what can I get out of the country, not what can I give back. Will this generation be able to display their fair share of flags on the graves of men and women who loved this country enough to take the time to be of service? Unfortunately this is not just a trait of the rising generation as many of my own generation have forgotten just how good we have it here. The freedoms that we enjoy, the liberties that we take advantage of, the responsibilities that go along with these freedoms and liberties. So, on this Memorial Day and on every day that you have in this country, I hope that you will think about the country that so many have fought for and died for and appreciate the heritage you have been given. Now it is our time to add to that heritage in whatever way we can.


Emily said...

Thanks for sharing that and putting everything into perspective.

Laura said...

Thanks to you and your dad!

Tera said...

Thanks for the reminder. My Grandpa was a POW in Holland during WW2. Those men and their families at home have sacrificed so much for those of us who have it so easy thanks to them!!