Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Birds and the Bees.....and the Cows

Logan saw some cows and calves in a field from the car window.
"Mom, how do the cows have babies?"
I said "The same way we do. They are in their tummies."
Logan: "Well, how do they come out?"
Me: "Ummmm, hmmmmm, ummmm.....from their vagina."
Logan: "What is that?"
Me as I turn up the radio: "Their girl part."


Emily said...

You're good! When my kids ask, I turn the question around and ask them what they think. One time, Austin said that the mom pushes really hard and the baby shoots out the top of her head. Actually...pretty close. The baby just "shoots" out the other end. Another time, Austin figured that the baby squeezes through the Mommy's belly button. Pretty creative, and I haven't had to have "the talk" yet.

Valerie said...

I've been avoiding this one big time. I have the advantage of having c-sections, so as long as we keep it personal, we talk about bringing babies home from the hospital where the baby comes out of my tummy. And I have the scars to show where! I am such a wimp about this one. Soon they will all be too old to learn this information casually.

Laura said...

Good answer and great technique! I loved it. I haven't had to answer this one yet either. When I do I hope I'm close to a radio. :)

Jen-ben said...

hahahahahaha! That is way too hilarious! So did he just leave it at that?

Jackie said... more questions for him. Spence was talking to me about it and he goes "Well, where do the calves come out?" I about died laughing. I said "You're kidding me aren't you?" He said "Cows don't have vaginas." Ok- I was rolling with laughter now. So is it called something different on a cow? Anyone know???