Monday, April 14, 2008

Sunshine, spring cleaning and ....Poodles?

What a great weekend! My family sure did enjoy the sunshine. We took advantage and did some outside spring cleaning in the yard. Gonna take awhile to repair some of Jasmine's damage though. Got all the weeds pulled and even planted some strawberry plants. Spence found his clippers and went to town. I think I should call him Edward Scissorhands instead of Nathan. Once Spence gets those clippers in his hands he can't control himself. I always get so upset when he starts cutting every branch off the trees and bushes. He just says he knows what he is doing and he is "the gardener." So I leave him be....

Yes- this is the neighbor's house.
So beware neighbors-don't let Spence near your house with some clippers!

The kids love to smash down the weeds and branches.

Logan and Claire had a picnic on the front porch. I made fruit smoothies for everyone. Claire came running up to me and said she wanted another "poodle." I said "What?" She handed me her cup and said it again. I laughed and said "You mean smoothie?" So another name for smoothis is now poodle.

Later in the night we took Claire's training wheels off of her bike and she learned to ride without them in about 2 seconds. She's a little daredevil and does everything that Logan can do. She can't ride her bike enough now.

We had Sunday dinner at Spence's parents' house. He still had an "itch" to do some tree trimming so took the liberty of cutting the bottom branches off of his mom's big pine tree. She was just thrilled about the mess he left around it. :-)

The kids brought their bikes and rode them at the UEA across the street from grandma's house. Claire was so daring she even rode her bike off of the step! They ended their fun by having a bubble bath in grandm's tub.

On the drive home Claire was being "naughty" and kicking and screaming. We told her she was grounded from her bike tomorrow. She threw a fit about that and apologized. She said she wanted one more chance. We said okay. Well, it lasted about one minute and she was back at it. So we told her that was her chance and no bike. She was crying. Logan then started in and begging "Please mom and dad! Just give her one, no two more chances! I loooove Claire! Please, just one more chance!" I gave in with her this morning and let her have her bike. (See, I have a problem with following through.)

I guess I didn't say anything about Nathan's weekend. He started out with a soccer game. He scored the first goal again. His team won 4-1. Then he came home, got in trouble and was grounded from friends and the computer. So he had a boring Saturday. All day Sunday he made up for it by being glued to the computer.


Laura said...

What a fun weekend for your family. Way to go Claire and what a nice brother Logan is! By the way, send Spence and his clippers over anytime.

Tera said...

If anyone needs more to do in their yard, mine needs help! Looks like you had fun! BTW, I am really bad at follow through too!!!

Brian and Kim said...

Your family is amazing. You are always out working in your yard or someone elses. What a great example of service. Congrats to Claire for ditching the training wheels!:)

Fauset Photography said...

come make mine look as good as yours...please. :)
And you thought you'd have nothing to say...I'm so glad you're a blogger now.