Tuesday, April 8, 2008


So this post is going to be a "churchy" one. As most of you know, I went to the temple for myself in January. I was very nervous, so missed a lot of the details and felt like I didn't really have a "spiritual" experience. Don't get me wrong, I felt the spirit there with me, but was too overwhelmed at trying to do everything right. Anyway, I returned to the temple this morning for the first time since January. As I was walking towards the temple from my car and looking at the beauty and sacredness of the building, tears came to my eyes. Already I was crying! I was so taken back by the fact that I was actually entering the temple. That I was worthy of it. After all that I have been through in my past- I was actually here. My goal as a young woman had finally been achieved. It took me longer than I had wanted, but I MADE IT. And I know that soon I will be kneeling across the altar with my dear husband and be sealed to him and my three beautiful children. I can't wait for that day. Then the goal will be complete.

I just wanted to share my testimony with my friends- some members of the LDS church, and some not. I never speak publicly about my religion or beliefs. It's something I need to work on. I am just not the outgoing type. And it is scary! But I want you all to know that I do have a testimony of the Savior and that He suffered for each of us. Through Him and His atonement, we can be forgiven of our sins. I know that He loves me as an individual and wants me to be happy. I am truly so much happier following His commandments. I know that His gospel was restored on the earth by the Prophet Joseph Smith. I am so grateful that he had a strong testimony and had the strength to overcome so much to do the Lord's work. I know that the prophet today, President Monson, was called by God to lead our church. I was so thankful to be able to raise my hand during conference and sustain him. I am so grateful for all that I have. I am truly blessed.


Tera said...

I am so proud of you! What a great example you are to all of us. I think we take the temple for granted sometimes. Thanks for your thoughts.

Emily said...

What a beautiful testimony! It was good to see you there today (even if it was just a wave). I'm so happy you had a good experience today.

Valerie said...

Speaking of tears - I loved reading your testimony!! Thank you.

Laura said...

Jackie, thank you for sharing your testimony. It shows in all the things you do, but I loved reading it too!

Jen-ben said...

Beautiful! I can tell just by being around you that you have a strong testimony. You are wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I do not think it matters how LONG it takes, just that we eventually make it. You are a beautiful woman and you have a beautiful testimony. You know that the roads you have taken will help you understand and help so many people that will come into your life. I am praying for your family to join hands with you also.
Love you,

Young Family Adventures said...

Congratulations! What a huge accomplishment in your life! Continue to have faith, hope, & strengthen your testimony & with time, you're right - you will be there with your husband & the kids & what an amazing day that will be!! Keep that goal in sight & it will happen!!

It is neat to see how far you have come - I have thought about you over the years since we lost touch! I am so proud of you!!

Know that I am cheering for you! Love, Jeanna