Monday, April 7, 2008

"Whoville" and Pancakes!

Saturday afternoon I took Logan and Claire to the matinee of Horton Hears a Who while Spence and Nathan went to the priesthood session at the conference center. Claire is "movie challenged." She just can't sit through them. Even at a big theater. Right when the movie started she had to use the restroom. So I missed the beginning of the movie. Then about 20 minutes before the end of the movie we went to get a refill on popcorn. Naturally, as always, I pick the sloooowest line ever. I never know if I should switch lines because I'm afraid if I do that I'll just have to wait longer, so I remain in the same slow line. By the time we finished and returned to the theater we had missed the main ending action part of the movie. Just in time for the ending song. Great! So I'd have to say I only give this movie a C. It wasn't my favorite. Should have saved my money and just bought a video that the kids can watch over and over again at home.

On Sunday morning the kids and I made PINK and BLUE pancakes. They each added quite a few sprinkles to their pancakes. Yummy. It takes so little to please children. :-)

Don't they look like little rag muffins in the morning?


Laura said...

We went to see 'Horton' on Saturday too, between sessions. I'm sorry you missed the beginning and ending. The ending was one of the best parts. Josh and Heather and I loved it. Josh even wants me to buy it and that's unusual for him these days. I'd give it 3 1/2 stars. As for the pancakes, they'd be eaten in a heartbeat at our house!

Andee said...

It's nice while Josh is little and sits on my lap the whole time. We actually went to that movie and loved it! Maybe I just loved it cuz I knew it was jim carrey and steve carrel.

paige said...

Ragmuffin kids are my favorite! They look so cute & excited about the pancakes. :)

We saw Horton Hears a Who (with Andee a few weeks ago) and I liked it. I didn't know who the voices were or I might have been more into it! It's funny how that makes a difference. Anyway, Polly was up & down the isles the whole time - at least it was a kids matinée & she was FREE.

Emily said...

Pink and blue pancakes - great idea! And I have noticed that Claire is movie-challenged. Unfortunately, Macy is movie-addicted. After they have been playing for several hours, Macy is ready to settle down with a movie. Claire always goes home. I think it's great! I wish Macy weren't so dependent on movies (and chocolate milk).