Monday, April 7, 2008

Perfect Object Lesson

I was in 7-11 with Claire getting my slurpee and there were two policeman in there too. They were talking with a young teenager- maybe around 14 years old. Claire couldn't take her eyes off of them. They were writing out a report on him. I overheard the policeman talking to the store clerk. The clerk told him that he had stolen a pack of mint mentos. The clerk said he reported it because he wanted the kid to learn a lesson. The officer told the clerk that this isn't his first time- and that he got away with it the last time. As I was paying for my stuff Claire continued to watch the officers take the boy outside and put his hands behind his back and handcuff him. (For an 89cent pack of mentos! Stupid kids...) When we got in the car Claire was full of questions. I explained to her what the boy had done and how he is in big trouble now for taking something without paying for it and how wrong that is. Claire shared the story with the family at dinner that night. I think it has stuck with her because the next time we went to 7-11 she asked if the policeman were there. :-) Anyway, I couldn't have asked for a better teaching tool for not stealing!

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