Friday, April 4, 2008

Bizzarro World

So did anyone watch yesterday's Oprah on the man who is pregnant? Okay, well the man who used to be a woman but had sex change- but chose to not remove sex organs because he knew he wanted a child someday. And we wonder what is wrong with the world today. Am I the only one that thinks that is absolutely crazy and ludicrous? (K- but I have to laugh because Claire just walked in the room with her Baby Alive doll that her grandma Debbie sent her. It is a boy doll but grandma sent a ballet outfit with it. So the doll has on a pink ballet outfit and a little penis hanging out. I couldn't have planned that better to go along with what I'm typing. LOL) Anyway, back to the pregnant man. I just sit and shake my head and wonder what will be next. Do any of these people think of the children that they are bringing into these relationships? I know I am going to offend some people out there, but it is just my opinion. I am against gays and lesbians adopting children and think sex changes just shouldn't be. I guess I just don't understand how you could think you are born into the wrong body.

It got me thinking about The Family: A Proclamation to the World and how inspired it was and the importance of it. The definition of a family unit is rapidly changing. Traditional families are somewhat a thing of the past. I just think it is sad because in a way the adults are the ones being selfish and not thinking about the children they bring into these relationships and the affects it will have on them. I am not saying that they can't love a child like a "normal" mom and a dad would, but I think the child will have some sort of emotional problems. Does anyone agree with that or am I just completely crazy?


Jen-ben said...

I was SO disgusted! I started to watch and couldn't weird. I TOTALLY agree with you!!! I feel so bad for the confusion that baby will be born into...

Valerie said...

My husband has been out to sea for the last two weeks (he's coming back SOON! Yay!), and those are the times when I realize just how much sense it makes to have a family with a mom and a dad and kids. Things just work better. I could probably manage without him at all, but why just MANAGE, when there's an infinitely better way? Families make sense to me. Just the way the proclamation describes. We are so blessed to have the roadmap it gives us!!!

Andee said...

That was so nuts. with how many restrctions and requirements there are for adoption, I am surprised they do let "non-traditional" couples adopt. Of course I'm sure many are capable of raising a child ok, but there's just no replacement for a moher and father in the home. We could talk about this one for a while...

paige said...

AGREED! Some people may be offended because of equal rights, but none of the gay/lesbian or gender changes make sense to me either. (It's more proof that Satan puts his focus of temptation on our bodies.)

Emily said...

I only watched a couple of minutes of it. But, the one part that caught my attention, was that they believe in a hundred years, all lifestyles and choices will "finally" (as they said) be accepted and not criticized. Then, the audience clapped and cheered. When did I turn into a bigot for believing in the "traditional" family?!?

Jackie said...

I agree Emily! It's scary where things in this world are turning...