Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Guess What! It's Spring!

NOT! The week started out nice. Monday was so beautiful. The kids were out playing in the sprinkler. I'm sure everyone was loving it and thinking "Wow! I am so ready for summer to be here!" Then......

WHAM! Tuesday it snows. Okay, not quite this much, but that's what it felt like after such a sunny day on Monday. I don't know about everyone else but I am ready for the snow, wind and rain to be done with. I'm tired of being so confused about what to put on in the mornings. Sweater, jacket, t-shirt, capris?Okay, enough weather talk. Claire had a field trip to the Taylorsville Fire Station on Tuesday. The kids had fun. The fireman put on his full gear to show the kids that he's not scary and that if they are in a house on fire they shouldn't hide and that they should be really loud and not be afraid when the fireman comes in to get them. I thought that was great! They were really cute with the kids.

After the field trip we went to eat at the Cheesecake Factory. Yummy! It was all girls to celebrate my mother-in-law's birthday (a week late). Spence's sisters, Camille and Tara were there, along with his nephew's wife, Natalie. Claire was such an angel! She's never behaved that well in a restaurant. Here is a picture of her with Aunt Camille and Natalie's baby- Lily. Her daddy is in Iraq until November. Lily just turned three months old and is very spoiled; she is the first grandchild and great grandchild on all sides. LUCKY!

Aunt Camille, Baby Lily and Claire

Baby Lillian

Claire went to town when it came time to dessert. Yum Yum!


Fauset Photography said...

OK, that baby is SO cute!! And can I just say I despise the cold weather now. I'm so sick of the cold!!!
And, I love love love the Cheesecake factory. Have you had their avacado wraps? Oh my gosh...I'm drooling right now.

Emily said...

Thank You in advance (of this coming summer - if it ever comes): Thank you for letting my kids play in your backyard. I HATE our backyard. Greg refuses to get a swingset because it's just too small. The kids love yours though.

The weather threw me so much that I didn't send Austin with a coat or jacket to school on Tuesday. Hello! It's snowing. What a great mom I am.

Jackie said...

Of course I had the avocado wraps. To die for! And the pasta, and the cheesecake. Yeah, I had plenty!

Our backyard is pretty boring right now. My kids would love to have swingset or trampoline also, but we don't have enough flat space for one.

Emily said...

I just meant that my kids love your big backyard. When I dropped Claire off today, I just thought to myself how much I like your yard.

Laura said...

I agree...not lovin' the crazy weather so much myself. I am soooo ready for summer. Then again, I was ready for summer in January. My kids would love to get the swimming pool out and I won't let them yet. Avacado wraps...hummmm...I haven't been to the Cheesecake Factory. It sounds and looks devine!